
Filtration is the art of separating individual media from one another. Depending on the filtration task, it takes the form of surface, cake or depth filtration. For this purpose, permeable media with different filter finenesses are usually used.

Melt & Polymer Filters

Contaminated plastic melts are not acceptable. Our polymer melt filters help to produce a clean raw material for a perfect finished product..

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Particle Filter

Metal mesh in air filtration is not only found in the hot gas sector. For the filtration of pollen, fibers, insects and other foreign bodies in front of air-cooled equipment, we have launched our DDD pre-separator as protection for the intake area.

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Filter elements & candles

We manufacture SinterPore™ elements especially for oil and gas exploration, power plants, industrial solid/liquid separation and fluidization.

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Filter inserts

There are endless possibilities to use filters made of wire cloth. We assemble filter inserts and components for plants in all industries.

We manufacture according to your specifications.

Dorstener Drahtwerke is ISO 9001 certified and all our products are manufactured to the highest quality standards. Our staff is available to help you determine the right product for your application that meets your requirements and budget. Contact us today for more information!